我有一欧洲客户常年大量求购以下规格活性炭,如能生产请告知。, s$ B: |3 j0 }6 q, u0 {8 F
Specification and requirements: 质量要求" ?4 H, j/ |+ C9 n
, @+ v8 V3 F0 j- I! i0 S, ^Average pellet length, mm:5 - 8.(平均长度5-8 mm)1 k8 ~4 `$ [5 N/ D+ w" _0 G
Average pellet diameter, mm:2.2 minimum.(平均直径:最小2.2 mm)
, S, V0 Z6 V ?; LBulk density, kg/m3:550 minimum.(密度:最小kg/m3:550)
4 a' k1 X" t/ Z, K8 [4 P2 HBET surface area, m2/g:570 minimum.(比表面积:最小m2/g:570)
H* k% b2 I0 ~/ S4 YResidual water, %:2.0 maximum.(残余水分:最大2%)
/ c5 Y% b1 Z( C: z5 q7 YButane Adsorption at p/po = 0.1:15 to 21 g/100 g.(丁烷吸附值:p/po = 0.1:15 to 21 g/100 g)
3 j1 U. a( V/ ^" R/ DIodine number:700 to 900 mg/g.(碘值:700 to 900 mg/g)
6 }* K+ m# e9 H+ K2 e( w1 U( j5 a: F0 M( e r9 T/ }
Extrudates are preferred, but granules in the size range 6 by 12, or larger mesh are acceptable.挤压的更好,但颗粒在6-8或更大些也可以接受( |4 U+ ]0 Z: T
) e6 l$ r7 R, A4 I5 L( e, f$ Q. G
Quality: Meeting the specifications/providing a -consistent- product(fluctuations must be within specification tolerances).' R9 j! z {( S7 H' T
质量:满足上述指标要求,质量必须稳定,起伏要在一定范围内)3 o# A/ k6 N0 p4 [7 ~3 j
& w {4 b: H! P% b& W
Minimum active carbon production capacity:3000 ton/year.9 d2 R3 O% B5 _
年产活性炭能力:最少3000吨。0 c( @- z( f% J' m8 Y" z* Y2 s# u
仅限于生产工厂,贸易公司免谈!如能生产,客户要到工厂考查。5 }2 \/ r4 }* Y4 d L
2 Y4 @0 x7 B3 N% g! Y
回复:安徽 蚌埠 固镇
3 s2 y" r b! [; |杨龙斌
- K8 {8 |& G1 N+ c0552-3253468 139652693066 `; ]. u+ ^$ X! d
' D6 N+ Y* A- R8 E1 j# [+ g4 u0 @- q txresin@yahoo.com.cn7 q' F+ f8 m4 z