2011年1 on 5, Luoyang, Henan Province , a man in the Central Road and glass Road intersection to be spilled on the fast track of the RMB , the police persuasion failed, in the cold waiting for the Men's 2 hours. / \0 u! j+ x% D5 I
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After a while he seemed a little emotional stability , the police advised him to go home, drink bottles running around his head , because at that time is at rush hour ,lunette ray ban pas cher, passing vehicles is very much in order to protect his Security, look after the police refused to leave him.
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/ A) A" { H5 Y" B- A3 M 9时24 points,Lunette de soleil Pas Cher, an ambulance came to the scene , the man was extremely frightened . Sitting on the ground it up. Finally, the police and the doctors sent him to Luoyang City with the assistance station . At noon time when ,lunette de soleil pas cheres, after repeatedly done , and he uttered the name home address and family members , the police bring his security escort home. According to his family introduction, the man was suffering from intermittent mental illness. |