标题: 今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? [打印本页] 作者: 和稀泥 时间: 2009-2-12 16:26 标题: 今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 去年年前雪灾,年底金融风暴,宏观形势,业内状况都发生了很大变化。还有几个月,新香又要上市了。今年天气特暖,生产季节会提前吗?作者: 满地金钱 时间: 2009-2-12 16:42 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 应该会吧,我的工人已开工了!作者: 和稀泥 时间: 2009-2-12 16:46 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 惨,库存还未消耗完,这边又要开工了。。。。。作者: 满地金钱 时间: 2009-2-12 17:19 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 成本又降不下来,脂价又升不上去! 难做呀作者: 飘儿 时间: 2009-2-12 17:24 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 是不是受松节油的诱惑啊。作者: xlwc 时间: 2009-2-13 08:34 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 多种原因,但松节油是主要的。作者: 淡淡的云 时间: 2009-2-15 23:14 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 如果季节提前,那么原来的库存消耗就更少,新香提前上市,松香价格就更难回升。作者: xlwc 时间: 2009-2-16 14:46 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 那就风险加大了!作者: 四眼 时间: 2009-2-18 11:48 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 作者: 小猴司维 时间: 2009-2-19 17:19 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 会。我们家乡的采脂工人已经上山了。作者: ws1403 时间: 2009-2-20 18:56 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 弱市的运行象人处在寒冷的冬天里,必须动起来靠自己周转产生的能量温热自己,若停下来,将受到更加严峻的挑战,松香的生产还是会按季节的变化进行,毕竟金融危机是短暂的,只要熬过去就有大的发展,留住客户和工人是上策作者: 激情大哥 时间: 2009-2-22 11:54 标题: 回复:今年天气特暖,松香产季会提前吗? 产季有可能会提前 原来的库存大家要抓紧时间消耗掉 只要有钱赚就卖吧作者: 我为香狂 时间: 2009-4-14 14:57
有油又怎样,第一批油这几年脂农都不急着卖,而工厂收一点上不上下不下急死去。作者: dzhgogne 时间: 2011-5-13 11:44
哥家里没酱油了,路过这里。。。作者: yameiteyisu 时间: 2011-5-24 11:28
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: qy63561lc 时间: 2011-5-24 19:24
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: xlwc 时间: 2011-5-25 09:41
温度又开始上升了作者: adujavely 时间: 2011-6-7 08:36
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: dfjroclq 时间: 2011-7-9 19:40
■ field test ) ]; F2 F4 {, _ / ~0 E; ~$ Y" J- K0 i$ ~/ l8 Y
Electric Footbath water charged 7 g% r& r9 Z" c, @7 \8 L1 J ) a! C$ K4 v3 `: |% Q. B
Ma bought this electric Footbath features Tingduo water after massage , surfing heat . He and his wife's parents are feeling very good after use . But Mr. Ma stumbled Footbath of water and electricity . 6 {! e- P9 z; F) L1 j' S# u9 D! c 7 E" L! e! ~5 R
3 i& D$ d7 H5 I At first , Mr. Ma that the machine has quality problems , to find a changed business , but still has power. Ma worried about problems ,Louboutin Pas Cher, not to let the elderly to use . 9 e0 J8 S+ t7 ~- y 9 ]; Q% \$ y! ^
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the water power in the security context 0 I% D. F5 H5 J% s6 z* n. h6 l5 a# D ' m5 c' v. A8 x4 \
Ma find shops selling electric Footbath , store employees and told him to consult the manufacturers the products are second-class health equipment , the State quality supervision and Inspection Center electrical confirm eligibility . & ]/ C. @& | v, K. U
/ a+ k+ v* J' i9 D0 z/ {
Hebei Food and Drug Administration Medical Device Division Deputy Director Fan said , any medical device products to local drug regulatory authorities should have issued a Medical Device Registration Certificate , license number ,louboutin chaussures, and reflected in the product . But Ma found that the product specification in addition to companies , products related to quality certification , but did not see the Drug Administration Department of the Medical Device Registration Certificate and the approval number . 2 e3 Q$ ^1 m9 W5 b# U/ d % J: B) }2 S/ V3 N
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8 k r/ T, L( ]/ a' c. H) X
National Standardization Technical Committee appliances Standards Division, a staff member surnamed Li , said electric Footbath water should not have power , leakage there is a certain security risk . Meanwhile, the staff said , never heard of pump operation will have a physical weak . ) A, s( e% u( |8 l: X4 L9 r" h+ d
: |% Q8 s. i6 P- T/ R
Hebei Food and Drug Administration Medical Device Division , Deputy Director of Fan remind consumers should have the medical equipment business to business permit for purchase of medical equipment.作者: cherrypotter 时间: 2011-8-14 18:40
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: kwfon 时间: 2016-6-29 11:15
好,值得细看,佩服 $ V, C3 t5 A# B% u' s" s 7 ^" E5 j. a5 G1 f* U' g# c2 F 9 o4 P; h. t1 n: l5 D( s! D" | N9 U U. f: `, Z. x5 C
; w! r9 a* f% m. F" s0 k 9 N, c6 v" P) i" k, ~2 n ( x) V# A. @( Q4 H* ^6 V# |! d+ w' M( j9 V6 B! G. M
' Z2 w* e* N! T. z8 G" ?
/ ~5 E- c* Q; z8 u( s( \6 T6 d% z: A0 @; ]- h+ d
R- y( Z+ K) i. u 3 E m/ _3 l. L' y3 ] 作者: 闲着的鱼7ij 时间: 2016-10-9 17:36
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